Interglobal Finance. mother of SAVING CLUB has moved into the world of international banking via the acquisition of rights to register a new, proprietary credit union and made some participation available to members of VRGroup , PCI and to VIP clients.
A private Credit Union -
Continental Credit & Trust
can legally provide services typically offered by a fully licensed bank, such as taking deposits and making loans as long as all services are offered to members of the Credit Union only.
Potential customers may automatically become a members when opening an account, applying for a loan or ordering any other service of the Credit Union.
The type of Credit Union is a mainstream country which is a full member of the European Union.
The entity can have up to 1000 members and be exempt from common bank license requirements.
We have full wire transfer facilities, Internet banking and international debit card system.
The Credit Union is an excellent tool for raising capital through international deposit taking (issuing of CD's, etc) and for engaging in savings & loan activities.
Think about the possibilities of offering structured products and capital raising for some exciting projects and programs we have at our finger tips and what that could mean to those who are involved.
A Credit Union, also known as Savings & Loan association, is exempted from super-vision and license requirements in this as long as it is correctly formed, registered and complies with the membership limit of maximum 1000 members.
This credit union have online banking service for members and our own private label debit card which we offer not only to credit union members, but also to the world. This project in itself is highly lucrative.
Debit card can be marketed worldwide without limitations and generates sales income, ATM fees, account maintenance fees, transfer fees, etc. several times every month, every time card is used.

The possibilities are quite exciting. Those who are involved in this project will have a front seat to some of the best opportunities for growth and income that the world has to offer, making money the old fashioned way, the way the bankers do!
Participation is limited to 1/4 of the authorized of the company.
Funds, shares and all corporate and financial matters are handled in escrow by, a prestigious law firm/notary in the upscale San Jose suburb of Escazu in Costa Rica.
This notice is simply a very concise overview and introduction to the opportunity. We are working on a more detailed business plan, disclosure document and executive summary for interested parties which will be available to our VRGroup and PCI members upon request in the very near future.
Have you ever noticed that the downtown skylines
of all major cities are dominated by banks, insurance companies and other financial firms?
Think about it. Here's your chance to `be a banker'
nterested parties can contact us to get Private Credit Union' executive summary. Note that these services will be available to VRGroup and PCI private members only!
Multi-Currency Deposit Accounts:
nterested parties can contact us to get Private Credit Union' executive summary.
Continental Credit & Trust: some examples of Products and Services
Services below are offered by and/or in association with entities duly registered and licensed in their jurisdictions.
Services are offered to members only and are not available to the public. None of the information on this site should be construed as tax or legal advice nor is it a solicitation for investment capital.
Multi-Currency Deposit Accounts:
Hold your account in SEK, CHF, GBP or EUR. This is good way to play the Forex game without the risk of trading. Hold your funds in the currency of choice and have the potential benefit of fluctuating differentials in value.
Term Deposit:
Term Deposit:
Our fixed term deposit rates beat most banks anywhere in the world. Enjoy security with 'better than bank rates'
Our current Annual Interest Rates for Fixed Term Deposits:
Term Deposits are offered to members at attractive rates in Euro and SEK. You have the choice of automatically adding the interest to the principal every quarter to allow it to grow, or to get your interest earnings on a monthly basis using an international debit card. The minimum term is 1 year and the maximum is 5 years.
As a member it is your responsibility to report the interest income as required by law where you live and comply with the tax regulations in your own country. We strongly recommend that you seek local counsel in your country before deciding to open an overseas account, in order to properly assess the tax and legal consequences and to identify any local reporting requirements.
Variable Interest rate Certificates of Deposit:
These products offer competitive variable interest rate targets indexed on the underlying economic activity of the product. The targets above 1%/mo. We feel targets are quite reasonable and are not necessarily guaranteed but the principal plus a minimum of 1% monthly is.
Interest is earned per calendar month and compounded quarterly when left to accumulate

Loans Against Cash Collateral:
With a little business savvy, some members able to secure cash collateral from progressive organizations to purchase CDs and borrow against them. Most countries do not tax 'borrowed' funds as income at all. (Fee 2 pts.)
Loans Against Real Estate:
Up to 50% LTV may be issued as a loan (including all and encumbrances to be paid off) in a 'recompras' type trust arrangement. (fees to be determined according to the situation at the time).
Outbound Transfers:
Outbound wire transfers anywhere in the world. Fee: 1%. (Min. $100-Max. $2,500 - unless otherwise quoted).
Escrow Services:
"Pass through" accounts available as third party agent for verification and transactional clearing purposes. (Fee 1.25% Min. $250 - Max.$5,000).
Document Storage:
Keep your important and sensitive documents safe. Fees: $50 per year up to 50 pages/documents. Shipping Service: $50 plus shipping.
Consulting & Referral Services.
Note that Continental Trust & Union Services is available to VRG Private members only.
But you can join their feeder program at SAVING CLUB
But you can join their feeder program at SAVING CLUB