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FW: Private Placement: Special Issue #2

Written By admin on Saturday, January 22, 2011 | 4:09 PM

Private Placements

Leveraging Instruments and Assets

Special Series Issue #2
January 22, 2011

This is the second of a short series we're doing on the private placement business.  The idea of putting this information out there to our associates and professional consultants is to:
  • help clarify some important issues,
  • debunk some of the myths, and
  • just to share a little experience for the purposes of saving us all a lot of time dealing with so much of the BS that's floating around on the internet.

There are certainly some serious scams you need to be able to sniff out and frankly, there is a lot of bad info being spread by folks who may be well intentioned but simply don't know any better. 

This information is being provided for your own educational purposes 'as is' with no warranties either expressed or implied as to it's accuracy or completeness and is in no way any form of solicitation.

We hope you find this series of newsletters useful and interesting.

The Executive Staff


Private Placement Credit Line Options
Leveraging Instruments and Assets for Entry

In most every case, the trading done in the private placement business is based on a line of credit obtained against whatever cash or other acceptable asset which is brought forward by the client.  Generally speaking, cash is not brought forward by the client then and invested directly into the operation.  When the client has cash in his account, this is used as the basis for the line of credit to be used for trading. and the original cash in the clients account never moves.  This is the quickest and easiest option and will be  discussed further in the next issue.

As for bank instruments, there are many cases where clients bring forward bank instruments of one kind or another, such as Bank Guarantees, Stand By Letters of Credit (SBLCs) or Safe Keeping Receipts (SKR).

Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions floating around that need to be corrected as it relates to various instruments.  Many people purport to 'have' an instrument which they'd like to monetize or leverage for such an operation.  However, in the end, we all too often find that they don't own the instrument and so they certainly don't control it.  This leads to an immediate dead end and everything falls apart.  If you don't own or control the instrument, then obviously there is very little you can do with it.  If you 'Do' own or control the instrument, provided that it is a) valid, b) negotiable, c) issued by a good bank who is ready willing and able (RWA) to deliver it with full bank responsibility, then you have something to work with and getting the line of credit against it is a matter of routine provided that everything checks out.

The quickest way to cut to the quick with your client who comes to you with any kind of instrument is to ask him for a bank letter  addressed to the client signed by one or two bank officers, verifying the instrument and that upon instructions from the client the instrument can be delivered  with full bank responsibility.  Ask for this up front from the client and you will save yourself untold man hours of back and forth with people who are not holders in due course.

There are many purported providers out there on the internet claiming to be able to monetize or lend against various instruments.  This is typically done in the major financial houses and banks, as you might imagine, due to the large amounts usually involved.  Any offers that come from outside of this venue, I would be very skeptical of.  In any normal situation, you will be asked to become a client of the bank first before they offer those services.  They typically do not make this service available to folks just coming in off the street.

Even if you had a legitimate private party offering to buy or monetize your instrument for $100M or more, with today's KYC and AML regulations, the transaction would certainly be held up by the processing bank unless or until they had full disclosure of everybody and everything involved.  And even when this is accomplished, in today's competitive banking environment and turbulent financial waters where survival is not even assured to many banks, we've even heard of banks playing some underhanded tricks and coming up with all sorts of excuses to freeze the funds (so they can sit on them and use them).   

But by being a client of the bank, they will have done their due diligence on you in that account opening process and will feel more comfortable in dealing with you on this level. Plus, the client relationship will bring into play additional possible solutions which might not otherwise exist under different circumstances.

Further to this idea, there are methods for using funds in an account without taking those funds from the bank itself and this makes your banker very happy and much more inclined to process your transaction.

So this begs the question: "if you are the actual owner of 'xyz instrument', issued by 'your' bank, and they already know you, why wouldn't you be dealing with your own bank to get your funding needs met?  Why are you talking to a 'broker' you found on the internet ?"

So you can see that with some simple logic, you can easily bust through so much of the BS that's floating around and wasting so many peoples' time.

Most of the folks you'll find wanting to monetize an instrument are not the owners of the instrument and unfortunately they have spent a lot of money to 'lease' the instrument only to find that they cannot do what they intended to do with it.

In our next issue, we'll talk about using cash, blocked accounts and some of the myths and realities of using the MT760 or other reserved funds mechanisms.

"It depends on what the meaning of 'Is' is!"
Understanding is the key to wisdom

When Bill Clinton made this now famous statement, most people laughed it off as being ridiculous. And those very same people also didn't know that not only was he 'spot on' in his analysis, but that he was revealing a 'key to the truth' that most of us miss in life at one time or another if not entirely.  


As a well trained lawyer, Clinton knew full well that the substance of the law relies entirely on the meaning of the words used in that law as it is written.    


For example, you can compare the definitions page which is found in the beginning of each section of statutory code and find a word in one section of law with one meaning and then find the  same  exact word in another section of law  where it has been given a completely different meaning altogether! It's quite possible that neither definition may have any relation whatsoever to the common understanding  So when people are using the common vernacular with the same general understanding, the attorneys understand their own language to be something completely different (as applied in those situations).   


This is why you laughed with ridicule to his statement and the attorneys of the world understood very clearly what he was saying.  At the time, people  were trying to hang him with his own words, and he was smart enough not to bite on a trap of being sucked into the 'common vernacular' when the law is often something quite different.  Isn't it amazing how truth shifts perception?     


I would love to talk about this some more, but we need to get to the point here.  The point is that when many of us are talking about 'Private Placement' we automatically make an assumption that the PP is 'this' or 'that'.  The fact is that private placement can mean different things in different contexts.  Look it up in Wikipedia and see if that definition matches your understanding.  So when you hear the term 'Private Placement'  just be aware that this term can be used to  describe different types of business with different parameters.  


As opposed to the institutional debt instrument trading scenarios which start at $100M and above which is many peoples' common understanding of the meaning of 'PP',  let's review another form of Private Placement business in the next section to expand our thinking a little.    



The GBP Buy/Sell Program 
One Alternative Context for 'PP'
bankcolumn We are fortunate enough to have direct personal relations with one particular group who has been doing one form of 'PP' for about 30 years now.  They are very established and successful so all we can discuss is what we know from our personal experience and discussions with them (which is not private or sensitive). 

As in all good business, nothing gets done with this group without a personal visit to bring principal to principal. 
As we discussed above, the client must first have a business relationship with the trading bank.  This bank is a private bank in Spain which has other branches in Europe.  The principal (who resides in Spain) typically assists in establishing this relationship and it can happen very quickly with the proper purposes and well placed introduction. 

With a minimum of 5 million GBP or more which is lodged in the private investment bank, the client works directly with the principal on the other end after concluding all pertinent contracts and the business commences.

The business involves the buying and selling of certain investment grade instruments but does not involve any speculation whatsoever.   This is done through the prearrangement of exit buyers who are in place before the exchange takes place which makes this a very low risk business.  It has nothing to do with 'day trading'.   The profits are 'well above average', accumulated weekly and the contract can continue trading for a number of weeks or months. 

Contrary to the myths which abound on the internet, in this particular 'PP' the client will move his funds into  his own new account with the registered trading bank where the transactions are cleared, they will be secured properly according to the contract and everything proceeds from there.

This gives you one example of how the parameters can vary as compared with the mental image that we often create after some time being exposed to 'Lord knows what'!?. 

We'll share with you another example of a different type of 'PP' in the next issue.

We hope this helps your process of edification !

In Our Next Special Issue...

LaDefTourEDFNext week we'll get into a little more detail about :

A)  Myths vs. Reality on the MT760 and other SWIFT codes 


B)  Another form of the 'PP' business   


C) The Banking Element in the overall equation 


We hope you can benefit from some of the ideas presented here.  Let us know if we can help in any way. 


Your Executive Team
Zurich Management Group Inc.
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