rujito, Disruptive technologies are rapidly changing the world. And investors are making huge profits by investing in companies bringing new, disruptive technologies into play. Yes, mega profits! My name is Eric Dany and I work hard to discover exciting small companies with explosive upside potential. My readers and I have had some terrific gains recently and the nanotech company profiled in this report—Vendum Batteries (VNDB.OB) could easily be my next big winner. I urge you to take a few minutes and see for yourself why I believe tiny Vendum Batteries is poised to disrupt the $63 billion global battery industry and deliver mega returns to early investors. Once you see the potential behind their nanotechnology I'm sure you'll want to add shares to your portfolio. Disruptive Technologies Are Changing Industries | Disruptive technologies can completely transform an industry…and make you rich! You don't have to look very far to find mega-profit examples—Microsoft with their world-changing operating system. Dell with computers, McDonald's with fast food. These companies transformed industries and early investors made massive amounts of money. I'm convinced developments in nanotechnology are going to make innovative companies real game changers in many industries. And I'm not alone. Steve Forbes of Forbes magazine says this about nanotechnology, "It's still relatively undiscovered by Wall Street. It's the next big thing." The next big thing is right on—The U.S. National Science Foundation estimates nanotech will be a trillion-dollar market by 2015. That's huge potential and it will be niche players like Vendum Batteries that transform individual industries. Their technology and company mission are aimed directly at disrupting the $63 billion global battery industry. Nanotechnology is the Future and Vendum Batteries is poised to ride the coming nanotech boom. If I'm right, and I believe I am, the gains you could make in this stock could be staggering. A paper battery…you've got to be kidding. Actually no, I'm not kidding. I'm dead serious! Remember I said "disruptive and transformational." That's why I'm excited about Vendum Battery's prospects…because there are developing a "paper battery." Allow me to explain… The battery is made from 90% cellulose, the main compound found in paper. Combined with nanoscale carbon structures acting as high-surface area electrodes and an ionic liquid salt the nanocomposite paper actually produces electricity. The components are molecularly attached to each other. The carbon nanotube print is embedded in the paper, and the electrolyte is soaked into the paper. The end result is a device that looks, feels, and weighs the same as paper, yet it produces electricity.  I'll explain more about the battery technology in my full report, which is free and only a click away, but first let me explain more about the battery's features and benefits. Paper Battery Features and Benefits | In addition to its superior battery technology, Vendum Battery's paper battery will be environmentally friendly because it doesn't use any of the common elements typical of today's batteries. It will not contain mercury, lead, chromium, cadmium or other dangerous heavy metals. There also won't be any ozone-depleting solvents used in its production. As a result, there will be no damage to the environment from the use of this battery. Landfill waste will be substantially reduced, as more than 90% of the battery will be made up of cellulose—the same plant cells used to make newsprint, lunch bags, and nearly every other type of paper. The Vendum paper battery certainly fits the bill for the next generation of environmental friendly mobile power sources. It is green and non-toxic. The demand for mobile power isn't going away, and Vendum's novel solution is right for the times. As the news spreads about Vendum Battery I expect the stock to explode and by getting in now, you'll be able to capture huge early returns. Paper Battery Applications | The paper-like quality of the battery makes it very light, and with large-scale manufacturing the cost of production is expected to be significantly lower than conventional batteries. Light weight and low cost—what a combination! As I said…this is a game-changing technology. Paper batteries could be used in portable electronics, automobiles, aircraft, medical, military or virtually anywhere a conventional battery is used. Just think of where batteries are being used today…tomorrow the device will likely be powered by a paper battery. The heaviest part of almost any battery powered device is the battery. It doesn't matter if it's a cell phone, portable computer or electric car. The battery is heavy. Imagine how light these products could be with a paper battery instead of a heavy lithium-ion or lead acid battery. A paper battery would favorably change the design of electric and hybrid vehicles and potentially significantly extend their driving range. The paper battery can be rolled, twisted, folded, or cut into any number of shapes with no loss of integrity or efficiency. It is envisioned the paper batteries will be stackable, like a ream of printer paper, to boost total power output. Tomorrow's cell phone battery might look like a postage stamp and an electric car battery could look like several reams of paper. This technology is simply amazing! The advanced paper battery is an unprecedented power source. Now is the time to get on board, before Wall Street wakes up and discovers what Vendum Battery is doing. Getting in on the ground floor of a superior new business idea or break-though technology is an investor's dream. My experience is that every few years, a startling breakthrough offers investors the opportunity to earn a life-changing fortune. Vendum Batteries could just be one of these opportunities because of their promising new battery technology. I encourage you to do your own research on the company. When you do I'm sure you'll be as enthusiastic about Vendum Battery and their technology as I am. Here's what I expect to happen in the next 90 days: The company's current market cap is $100 million. When the company's first paper battery prototypes are announced the stock will climb to $1.25 per share or more. That's a terrific 300% to 500% gain! In the months ahead, when the company licenses their technology to battery manufacturers the sky is limit for Vendum's stock. The license royalty payments could ramp up very quickly because the OEM battery companies already have extensive distribution networks and long-term customer relationships. They'll do the heavy lifting and Vendum will reap the royalties! I wouldn't be surprised at all if the stock moved past $10.00 a share by year-end. And even higher if a major manufacturer decides to scoop up Vendum and their technology. With, or without a buyout Vendum is a super attractive opportunity. Don't wait…now is the time to add this ground-floor, green energy nanotechnology stock to your portfolio. Once the company's successes become more widely known, the share price could explode.  Invest Successfully,  Editor, Prospector Newsletters