Fascism is Here - Are You Prepared ?
The following message is very important if you are at all concerned about the state of freedom in the world and what your future might look like, one way or another. This message only highlights a part of the problem, but we also offer the solution at the end. It'll only take a moment to read. Please do. It's important.....
In the recent Texas democratic debate you may have heard candidate for dictator er President, Hillary Clinton give her plan to fix things' as it relates to the foreclosure crisis.
In case you missed it, here are a couple of the salient points you need to strongly consider:
To paraphrase:
Point #1: "I would immediately freeze and put a moratorium on all foreclosures...."
Nice thought! And wouldn't everyone have peace knowing that there were no foreclosures going on. Everyone can relate to this. What people fail to read into it, is that what we have here is a proposed policy which would directly violate and abrogate the sanctity of private 'contracts'. And in the process, we have a direct violation of Article 1:10:1 of the constitution for the united States of America which says that NO LAW SHALL IMPAIR THE OBLIGATIONS OF CONTRACTS .
So first we impair the obligations of contracts to 'help' people and people can relate and get used to the concept. Then, after it feels good and the precedent is set, we find other situations where we don't like some contracts, and we nullify those to suit political objectives i.e. 'national security? political correctness? private business which is free from 'legislation' ? . You see where this goes.
Some would call it treason and/or sedition above and beyond a direct violation of oath of office. Yet the ignorant masses of Americans fall for this garbage instead of doing their duty when they should start forming a posse instead.
Point #2: Again to paraphrase.. "I would immediately freeze interest rates!"
Wow! Again, we see frau diktatora who believes that government is in a better position to manage the economy than free markets. And she gets applause !?
Folks the comments are one thing serious enough of their own. However what really should be the major concern, is that she gets applause and consent from the ignorant masses !! This is what really is the major concern more than anything a single person can say.
That the American society is so absolutely lost, with no roots or point of reference in history, law or the confines of public office or legislative meddling, that they allow such gross violations of everything good for the short term benefit of their own comfort level.
Again, where's the posse ? We should be scheduling congressional hearing on this today !
Bottom Line: Freedom in America is lost. Ignorance rules. And when you have an ignorant populace combined with 'Democracy' (i.e. mob rule) the rest of us are in serious trouble.
OK enough said.
By the way, some people who (again) don't understand things well, think that the word 'fascism' is somehow a dirty word.
Here is the meaning right from the dictionary:
fas·cism Pronunciation [fash-iz-uhm] –noun 1. a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism ....
Now if abrogating the obligations of contracts and imposing blanket governmental control over the market interest rates is not fascism, then please tell me what it is. I will stand corrected.
Alright, now the solution:
If you have a job, you are never going to be free. You need to get rid of your job.
If you have assets (property, bank accounts, stuff) in your name, you are a latent victim
If you are dependent upon good leadership in your own country and good economic times, again, you are a victim waiting for 'the pending event' to devastate you. You will be trapped with nowhere to go if you don't start depending on yourself.
Only you can protect yourself, nobody else. Only a fool would think otherwise.
Now you already know all about The Venture Resource Group. This is where you need to be and if you are not, then there is only one decent cause for this (everything else defies logic and good sense) and that cause is 'money'.
If money is short for you now and VRG is out of reach at the moment, then you ESPECIALLY need the Freedom Technology that is available to start empowering yourself.
If for any reason you're not ready for VR Group, then you MUST GET STARTED DOING SOMETHING and the beginner level for VR Group is:
The Continental Savings Club
CSC is something that everyone can participate in to start on the path to personal freedom and survival of the fascists and control freaks who are ruining lives wherever they go !
It costs next to nothing and the benefits are HUGE by comparison. It is the Start to your journey toward personal freedom.
Check it out.
The future is what you make it....today.
It's all up to you. Join the rest of us and be a part of something special.
Have a great weekend !