Hello Again !
By now we hope that you\'ve had plenty of time to get familiar with the tools and information at your disposal in the Continental Savings Club. We trust that you are finding it interesting and enlightening in one way or another.
This message pertains primarily to TLG (The Liberator Group) program.
We have been busy getting CSC members positioned in TLG business trust and we\'re off to a good start. TLG now has the funds necessary to begin putting them to work with the traders as of June (next month). So the program is off and running. Congratulations to our members who have gotten on board !
For those who are unaware, here are the trading results so far this year;
Jan. 20.15%
Feb. 16.35%
Mar. 23.4%
Apr. 17.55%
That makes for an average monthly gain, so far this year, of 19.36%.
Apply \"The Rule of 72\" and we have this: 72 divided by 19.36 = 3.71
In other words, at that 19.36% rate of monthly return, money will double every 3 months and 21 days.
So, it begs the question: \"Are your savings growing like that?\" Should they be?
If not, it could only mean that you are not participating in TLG which is the main reason Continental Savings exists, to help you grow your savings in a meaningful way.
Going one step beyond.... How many people do you know, or could meet, who are not doing that well but would \'like\' to? (or \'need\' to?)
If you and your team are doing your part, you should see your Savings Acceleration matrix growing nicely.
If not, then you need to get serious about this and start spreading the word.
Time is money! Are you gaining it? Or losing it?
It\'s all up to you.
Have a great weekend !!
Your CSC support team